Cooked Lettuce


  • 1 headromain lettuce
  • 5 clovessgarlic, rough chop
  • 2 Tablespoonsoyster sauce
  • 1 Tablespoonsoy sauce (shoyu or light soy sauce NOT light shoyu)
  • 1-2 Tablespoonoil
  • 3 Tablespoonswater (for sauce)


  1. simmer water in wok
  2. add some salt
  3. rinse lettuce
  4. chop garlic
  5. heat oil in a separate pot/pan on high heat
  6. add garlic to pot
  7. saute enouhg to sweat garlic not brown
  8. add a pinch of salt
  9. add oyster sauce to pot
  10. add soy sauce
  11. add 3 tb of water to pot
  12. simmer for a few minutes
  13. add lettuce to wok
  14. blanch for 20 seconds (wilt the green parts but keep crunch in the light parts)
  15. place lettuce on dish
  16. cover with sauce
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.