
  • 1 HeadGreen Cabbage
  • 1 SmallHead of Red Cabbage
  • 2 LargesCarrots
  • 1 ½ cupMayo
  • 3 TablespoonsWhite or Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 ¼ TablespoonDijon Mustard
  • ½ TablespoonCelery Seed
  • 2 TablespoonsHoney
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Add mayo, vinegar, mustard, celery seed, honey into a bowl and whisk to combine
  2. Should be thick enough to hold to your finger.
  3. add some more mayo to thicken
  4. Set in the fridge
  5. Cut cabbage as thin as you can
  6. place cabbage in a colander over a large bowl
  7. salt the cabbage with a few pinches
  8. mix cabbage and salt
  9. Grate the carrots in a box grater
  10. add to the cabbage
  11. Place a heavy bowl on top of the veggies
  12. Let sit 30 minutes or longer
  13. Squeeze water out of vegetables
  14. Add the dressing, a little at a time
  15. mix well with your hands.
  16. Let sit for 10-15 minutes in the fridge
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.