Sourdough Bread


  • 800 gramsflour (half all purpose half whole wheat)
  • 460 gramswater
  • 10 gramssalt
  • 320 gramsstarter


  1. develop starter (takes days)
  2. Mix all ingredients
  3. Knead for 10 in mixer with dough hook
  4. Oil hands and bowl
  5. Shape dough to ball
  6. Prove for 3hrs
  7. Knock back dough
  8. Shape to final size (2 loafs)
  9. Cover proving basket with flour
  10. Place loafs in baskets cover with flour
  11. Prove for 3 ½ hours
  12. Heat oven to 445deg
  13. Cook in covered Dutch oven for 15 min (if not using covered vessel add steam to oven)
  14. Uncover and cook for another 15min


  • Feed starter 8hrs before (or place in fridge for 12-24hrs)
  • Discard extra starter
  • Equal parts starter, flour, water
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.